Stock Write Offs

作者 Fenwick

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Improve inventory write-off process in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Stock Write Offs improves traceability of write offs within your financials, eliminating the need for additional reports in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Negative adjustment accounts for Reason Codes and Return Reasons

The stock value being written off can be difficult to trace and pinpoint as the stock adjustment accounts are different for each Product Posting Group. Hence, our app simplifies set up multiple inventory adjustment accounts in the General Ledger, and let's you map them to the General Product Posting Group of your choice.

Mandatory reason codes

To ensure better traceability and reasons for stock write-offs when posting negative adjustment journal lines, the Reason Code field will require a value on the Item Journals page. This feature can be enabled per location.

Negative adjustments on Sales Credit Memos and Return Orders

To eliminate the need for manually writing off damaged or missing stock, our app will automatically credit and negatively adjust your inventory when processing a sales credit memo or return order. The standard process requires you to create a separate item journal entry to adjust the stock being written-off, our automated posting will reduce the chance of errors occurring during the manual posting.

What's new?

Check out the release notes for Stock Write Offs.


What is Fenwick Gold?

Fenwick Gold is a suite of apps that extend base functionality in Dynamics 365 Business Central. Previously built for Dynamics NAV, we now provide this expertise via AppSource.

About Fenwick

Fenwick is a Dynamics 365 Business Central consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia. We have over 40 years' experience in the system implementation space.

Learn more about Fenwick Software:

Supported Editions

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages

